Mariah Kieffer '24 made the most of her summer vacation. Mariah, an English major with a concentration in Teaching English as a Foreign Language TEFL, participated in Ewha Womans University's Summer College program in Seoul, South Korea.

Internships are important because it's an opportunity for students to apply the skills they have learned in a real world setting and gain experience. Communications major, Moriah Story '22, did her intern work with Hankey Center and Boyd Archives at Wilson College.

While the MFA class was on campus for their summer residency, they curated a unique exhibit called "Disrobing Provenance" in the Hunnicutt Gallery.

Wilson students are expanding their horizons with international travel and education this summer. Wilson mathematics major, Nicholas Mattson '23, traveled to the Netherlands to take Introduction to Business and International Management. 

Wilson veterinary nursing student, Paige Reynold's '23, was recently in Costa Rica with the Loop Abroad program. Loop Abroad provides pre-vet & wildlife study abroad programs for undergrad students. Paige shared some memories and photos of this amazing opportunity.

Mexican poet, Manuel Iris, recently visited the Wilson MFA class to give a talk and a reading. Manuel read, in English and Spanish, from his most recent book, The Parting Present/ Lo Que Se Irá. That evening he held a bilingual reading/workshop at the Coyle Free Library.

James Pasaribu '22, psychology major, is one of Wilson's most active students. He is an RA, a member of the Nerd Crew, competes on the esports team, and has joined most of the college service trips.

A career in the sports industry was always a dream for Zach Powell '21.  "I recently started working as the Sports Editor at the Lock Haven Express in Pennsylvania.

Wilson College MFA Alum, Katie Pustizzi '21, has been dancing in Sardegna, Italy through the Robert M. and Brenda Ashton Aiken Scholarship. Katie particpated in a workshop with Senza Confini Di Pelle in Sardegna.

The Wilson College veterinary nursing faculty often host young students on campus who are interested in a future in animal healthcare. It is an opportunity to show them what Wilson's vet nursing program and a career in vet nursing can be like.