FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE |   April 26, 2016

Stephanie O'Neal '16 volunteered for the migrant tutoring program last spring


By Coleen Dee Berry

For a high school senior, it was an act of unflinching courage. Molly McElroy stepped on stage in front of more than 300 of her classmates at The Catholic School of Baltimore and painstakingly described her ongoing battle with anorexia..

By Cathy Mentzer

A few days before Wilson’s spring semester began on Jan. 25, three new international students from Indonesia, Panama and Uzbekistan were taking part in orientation, but the impending Blizzard of 2016 was the main thing on their minds.

by Coleen Dee Berry

Even more so than the iconic Edmund Pettus Bridge, one city street in Selma, Ala., came to symbolize the legacy of racism to a group of Wilson College students.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  |  April 18, 2016

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  |  April 12, 2016

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  |  April 12, 2016